The story is based on the historical events of Gongor, a national hero who successfully performed his duty as a border guard. The fact that he played...
First Lesson
A history and revolution-themed film depicting how the people's party led by D. Sukhbaatar centered the newly established state, overcame the morals...
The Battle
A historical feature film showing how the people's party led by D. Sukhbaatar, the leader of the People's Revolution of 1921 and the general of all...
In 1928, when scientific hospitals were introduced to Mongolia, the Russian female doctors who came to rural areas and the famous local maarambas...
The Awakening
Darbazar, who was carrying a secret letter to General Sukhbaatar about how ordinary herdsmen participated in the People's Revolution of 1921, fell...
A Messenger of the People
This film revolves around Choghtu Khong Tayiji, a 17th century Mongolian prince who waged a campaign of independence against Tibetan and Manchu...
Mighty Prince