Year 2032. Ten-year old Luise and her mother Anna live in Germany, a totalitarian state. When a school theatre play, with Luise involved, turns into...
Little Red Riding Hood
Vivian Bernaise is the star of the Hamburg drag scene. After a glamorous performance in the Hamburg drag club "Die Donauwelle", she witnesses a mafia...
Meine Freundin Volker
One for all, all for one! That's the motto in the tranquil village of Heiterstorf just outside Hamburg. In order to be accepted again in his...
Are we as human beings any longer able to live in the world we built for ourselves or do we have to go back to our roots to be happy? A young man...
Alain, the architect, lives secluded in his luxurious finca in the outback. He solely wears women's clothes und avoids any contact to people. When...
Be There
Set in Berlin, 1933, We are Dancers is the story of real-life anti-Nazi drag artist Hansi Sturm and his circle of friends in the immediate aftermath...
We Are Dancers
Those boys you know and love are back! Boys On Film invites you on a voyage of emotion-soaked self-discovery, where same-sex attraction is...
Boys On Film 21: Beautiful Secret