Since the founding of the Yuan Dynasty, Emperor Zhao Yuwen of Yuan Yuan managed martial arts, quelled rebellions inside, and eradicated barbarians...
The Demon Hunter
A world-class hitman ends up swapping identities with a down-to-luck extra actor during an accident.
Ten years ago, in order to snatch the mysterious treasure left by Dashing King Li Zicheng, the wicked designed a decisive battle between the hero...
The Hidden Fox
Two members of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs are tasked with the evacuation of Chinese citizens when war breaks out in Numia, North Africa.
Home Coming
"Mojin: The Lost Legend" (aka "The Ghouls", a title which do the movie no justice at all) is definitely not a movie that you should let slip under...
Mojin: The Tomb of Ghost
During the torch relay of the People’s Games in 2016, the "Night Walker" robs the Holy Flame in the College of Gods and Demons in order to call...
The Eight Immortals in School 2