The film tells the touching story of Yin Lingzhi, a young girl from a mountain village who experienced the severe test of the War of Resistance...
Yin Lingzhi, Daughter of the Party
In the time of the Qing Dynasty, the Emperor Yongzheng created a secret army known as the Guillotines. It was the job of the Guillotines to protect...
The Guillotines
An undercover agent is assigned by his corrupt chief to infiltrate a rival department and sabotage their investigation of counterfeit currency. What...
The Four
Famous from an incredibly young age, DMH (Wang Lee Hom) has only ever known a celebrity pop star existence. Yet, despite all the glamour, there is...
Love in Disguise
The Incident of September 18
Grace of Porridge
For Your Own Good
First Prize
A pig farmer, a busboy, a salon owner, an expat architect and a jaded rich girl cross paths as thousands of dead pigs float down the Yangtze River...
Dead Pigs
Spring Follows Winter
Crossed Lines (Chinese: 命运呼叫转移; pinyin: Mìngyùn Hūjiào Zhuǎnyí) is a...
Crossed Lines
A woman is disliked by men in her village because of her bad temper. She uses her martial arts skills to beat up men who are unfaithful to their...
The Lion Roars 2
In 1905, revolutionist Sun Yat-Sen visits Hong Kong to discuss plans with Tongmenghui members to overthrow the Qing dynasty. But when they find out...
Bodyguards and Assassins