A strict father refuses to let his beautiful daughter marry the young pilot she loves, believing that the life of a pilot is filled with danger. The...
The Two Friends
A man is being chased by group of people got rescued by a woman named Turkman. This man is astonished that Turkman knows too much about him.
A Woman of Fire
girls for love
A failed Syrian inventor named Ziad Jamal is suffering from poverty and lack of faith from others, and his failure to marry the girl he loves. He...
My Lover Is So Crazy
Adel lives happily with his wife until he meets his ex-girlfriend, who works as a dancer. During her visit to his home, she faints and then he...
The Memory of a Night of Love
Unable to afford the dowry of his wealthy sweetheart, a young man is devastated when his beloved's father forces her to marry another
The World in 2000
Mona and her friend Suheir travel to Syria to meet her fiancé. Mona's father requests the son of his friend Kamal residing in Syria to take...
Forced marriage