Explores the remarkable life and career of Donyale Luna, one of the first Black supermodels who graced the covers of both Vogue and Harper’s...
Donyale Luna: Supermodel
Commissioned by the COI, Peter Greenaway made a biographical short film about fashion designer Zandra Rhodes.
Zandra Rhodes
Documentary about British artist Andrew Logan as he attempts to put on the 2009 edition of his Alternative Miss World. The film also presents a...
The British Guide to Showing Off
Twiggy takes a comprehensive look at the life story of UK model and cultural icon Twiggy, real name Lesley Lawson, whose career kickstarted in the...
This film features some of the most important living Postmodern practitioners, Charles Jencks, Robert A M Stern and Sir Terry Farrell among them, and...
Postmodernism: The Substance of Style