In his hilarious new special, Zakir recounts stories of his childhood friendships with boys, adult relationships with girls, and the clashes that...
Zakir Khan: Mannpasand
Tathastu starts off with a recap of moments from Zakir's life. Starting from his early school days, the performance is a ride where the audience gets...
Zakir Khan: Tathastu
In Haq Se Single, Zakir's narrative takes you through his own journey of becoming the ultimate #SakhtLaunda. The guy who's survived rejection, love,...
Zakir Khan: Haq Se Single
Zakir Khan is back, and this time he takes you down the memory lane by reminiscing about school, friends and everything that era signified for Zakir....
Zakir Khan: Kaksha Gyarvi
This lyrical extravaganza celebrates poetry and the freedom of expression with India’s biggest poets as they share their love for poetry...
India Shayari Project