Tsukitaro, a young man who comes to Edo, meets a blind girl named Ochiyo. Ochiyo 's father, the grinder Yasujiro, was asked to sharpen a sword called...
Yakuza Princess of Edo
1962 Japanese movie
The sole survivor of a shipwreck pursues the whereabouts of his friends’ missing family members in Edo.
Morning Breeze in Edo
Mukōmizu no kenka kasa
Yotsuya Kaidan, the story of Oiwa and Tamiya Iemon, is a tale of betrayal, murder and ghostly revenge. Arguably the most famous Japanese ghost story...
The Tale of Oiwa's Ghost
Yae and Kiku, daughters of drapers in Edo, must travel to Kyoto in place of their sickly fathers to attend to some businesses affairs. On their way...
Flowers on the Road
Based on the exploits of real-life historical character Magistrate Toyama no Kinsan, this exciting tale brings the “Demon Magistrate” as...
Magistrate of Dice
In the fourth installment, Musashi's potentially greatest opponent Kojiro jumps in and out of the story at the oddest and most coincidental moments....
Miyamoto Musashi: The Duel at Ichijo Temple
In this exciting sequel to the popular samurai-ninja movie Ukyunosuke On Patrol, his mission to avenge his father's death continues. His discovery of...
Ukyunosuke's Reverse Ichimonji Cut
Tora-san befriends the descendant of a feudal lord. The man asks Tora to locate his deceased son's wife who resides somewhere in Tokyo.
Tora-san Meets His Lordship
The Princess and the Bearded Lord