James, a hitman new to the job struggles with the conflicts and demands of his job as he questions his inner demons in a deadly game of cat and mouse...
Diary of The Wolf
Samsara is a loose adaptation of "The Egg by Andy Weir". It follows the life of Suryan a hired assassin whose work life begins to affect his family...
Buddy, a private investigator, visits the home of a suspect in a kidnapping case as he grapples with the notions of justice and the allure of revenge.
No Evil In Bebop
A caffeine-addicted student falls prey to betrayal, heartbreak and bullying all in a toxic social media culture that leads him down a path of...
Caffeinated Killer
"The Detective" is a short film that follows a private investigator by the name of William Loh who is working on an abduction case, possibly linked...
The Detective
"Happy Hour: A Spiritwalker Story" is the third installment in The Spiritwalker Verse. This short follows Kaala having a drink late at night in a...
Happy Hour: A Spiritwalker Story
A moment in eternity
Blood Moon