The film tells about the inhabitants of the Russian city of Tsaritsyn-Stalingrad-Volgograd. The film consists of three novellas, united by the theme...
The City of First Love
Based on the fantastic story by Kir Bulychyov "Can You Ask for Nina?". Guests gathered in Vadim Nikolayevich’s apartment to celebrate the...
Something with the Telephone
The returning soldier Kuzma Kadkin on the train tells how well he lived before the war, and that everyone in the area knows him. An accidental fellow...
Everybody Knows Kadkin
In the apartment of Anna, who, judging by her testimony to the investigation, was on a business trip, a fire broke out at night. The son was saved,...
The Confrontation
A group of drunken young people severely beat the couple in love. Subsequently, Aleksandr Shchetinin died in the hospital after receiving injuries...
Accused of Murder