Fall in love all over again with Miriam Ruth's classic childhood stories, A Tale of Five Balloons, Yael's Home and Hot Corn. With Yaron London, the...
A Tale of Five Balloons
A Married Couple is a 1983 Israeli drama film directed by Yitzhak Yeshurun. The film was selected as the Israeli entry for the Best Foreign Language...
A Married Couple
Dr. Shuki Chaftziva is a ballroom dancing instructor who tries his hand at match-making. He follows the obituaries and takes his client, Zigi...
The Hit
הסרט מתמקד במספר בעלי...
Eretz Bereishit
Seven years after his death, Motti Kirschenbaum’s eldest son Cana'an decides to open the great archive left behind by his father. The archive...
Based on David Grossman’s Itamar Stories series.
Itamar Stories
Two years after the Six Day War (1967), doctors at an Israeli hospital try to save the lives of an Arab terrorist and Israeli officer just brought in...
The War After the War