The COVID-19 pandemic cut the world off from experiencing live comedy, but laughter prevailed. We followed comedians and comedy club owners across...
2020: A Comedy Special
Yannis’ 2nd hour special recorded at Comedy on State in Madison, Wisconsin. Yanni explores new fatherhood, the current state of our country and...
Yannis Pappas: Mom Love
Aaron Berg is one of the hardest working comics in New York City. As everyone who's anyone in NYC will attest, it is only fitting that he set out to...
25 Sets
It's a good time, difficult time, narcissistic time, padded time. The newly married Yannis Pappas explores this in his first hour stand up special...
Yannis Pappas: Blowing The Light
Yannis Pappas touches on his recent breakup, moving to Miami and how we’ve all become addicted to our cell phones.
Yannis Pappas - The Half Hour