Based on a Thai ghost story of Kuman Thong, the film revolves around a woman who has caused the death of her young brother a long time ago. When she...
Bell Chamber
Yang and His Summer
plot is unknown
Qian Shu 3
Four young people coming to the forest for exploration. The girl is walking away from her partner and encounters a wild man on the road. On the other...
Hunting Savage
The Flower King Yaojun of the Hundred Flowers Banquet was violently killed in front of the eyes of the immortals, and many immortals were killed one...
Burning Peony
Scientist Xiao Ran did his best to invent a companion male humanoid robot that is just like real people on the basis of the popularity of artificial...
Mechanical Companionship
During the period of the Beiyang government, the suona craftsman Yang Dashu played by Yang Shulin was kind-hearted, honest and sincere, and valued...
Treasure Hunting
«Jiang Fei» (or Red Concubine) was another fairytale from Pu Songling's «Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio». Young girl...
Lich Hand to Destroy Flower
At the end of the Ming Dynasty, Wei Zhongxian, a powerful eunuch, is a dictator, and the Emperor is planning to eliminate him. At this time, the...
Intelligence Agency in Action