Mouna Poratam (The Silent War or The Silent Struggle) is a 1989 Indian drama film directed by Mohan Gandhi, starring debutants Yamuna and Vinod...
The Silent War
Rajahamsa movie is a romantic entertainer written and directed by Jadesh Kumar Hampi while Joshua Sridhar scored music for this movie. Gowri Shikar...
Harshith is a youngster with ambitions of becoming a detective when he grows up. He's sharp and intelligent, but he has a big task at hand when he...
A young man lies that he got married to impress his boss who hates bachelors and shows a random photo of a girl and claims her as his wife. But when...
Brahmachari Mogudu
A poor couple raises and educates their only son by making many sacrifices. When the boy grows up to be a rich man, he shuns his parents as he is...