The content of "The Living Corpse Ferry" revolves around the escape of Cong's (Huynh Dong) group from the outbreak of the epidemic and trying to...
Zombie Ferry Station
"The Third One" tells about love, the sweetness that comes with the hardships that every couple has experienced. The film opens with a romantic love...
The Third One
The film is about the journey of a group of people living together and trying to escape the pursuit of the undead to reach the last ferry at an isle...
Lost In Mekong Delta
Giang Hồ Chợ Mới
Xóm Trọ 3D
Anh Thầy Ngôi Sao
Bí Mật Thiên Đường
Diary of Child Master's Adventure
Vô Gian Đạo
"Ngày Xưa Có Một Chuyện Tình" revolves around the intertwined friendship and love story of two boys and a girl...
Once Upon A Love Story
On the Drinking Table Under the Conspiracy Table is a story about the interesting friendship of a group of close friends. In their journey to find...
On the drinking table under the planning table