In an attempt to save their troubled relationship, Stefan (Wolfgang Menardi) and Claudia (Stephanie Schönfeld) go on a camping trip to the...
The criminal psychologist Annett Schuster and the case analyst Jan Kawig have to solve their first case together when a male body is found near the...
Tod am Rennsteig - Auge um Auge
Set in the 1800s when Napoleon’s French ruled Europe, the film follows young Austrian carpenter Franz and his Bavarian wife, Katharina as an...
The Holy Land of Tyrol
Penniless Peter Munk toils day after day as a charcoal burner in the Black Forest. In order to finally achieve the wealth he longs for and thus get...
Heart of Stone
Forced to face the cruel side of life, a devastated, bankrupt merchant chances upon the enchanted castle of a hideous creature, the mere sight of it...
Beauty and the Beast
Notoriously hip Berlin based hairdresser Tom Herzner falls in love with beauty parlor owner Heidi, turning both of their worlds upside down. So far...
Coming In
When 22-year-old Rainer Werner Fassbinder storms the stage of a small, progressive theatre in Munich 1967, and seizes the production without further...
Enfant Terrible
Inge arrives at the palace. Something disturbs her. An uncanny experience has left its mark. Viktor, the assistant of the count, shows her to the...
Der Palast um vier Uhr morgens
A long-term couple who are in an erotic slump decide to bring a breath of fresh air into their relationship by having a ‘foursome’ with...
Der Vierer