Poena is Koning follows the sexual awakening of Poena Pieterse and his high school buddy Vaatjie, who have decided that they have to lose their...
Poena Is Koning
The misadventures Vaatjie Venter, a talented pastry chef and the top student at the hotel school where he is training. Vattjie becomes the lead...
Vaatjie gets owned
An Afrikaans sex comedy which follows the adventures of a third-year student and his buddy at their holiday job. Desperate to lose his virginity, he...
Stoute Boudjies
After a dispute with a local dentist, a minister is thrown out of his church, and finds himself an unemployed White Afrikaner Male. Desperate for...
Kaalgat Tussen Die Daisies
Faan se Trein is about a simple-minded man living in a tiny Karoo community. When his father dies, leaving all his possessions to Faan and the...
Faan's Train
Based on the Afrikaans TV series by the same name, this comedy comes to the big screen. The plot-line is rather convoluted as befits a farce, and...
Molly & Wors The Movie
A story about a fictional South African police base on the border between Angola and the former South West Africa. While patrolling, a mail convoy is...
Grensbasis 13
Schucks is back and this time he's Gatvol. The rampant crime rate and unprecedented violence have finally become too much and Schucks together with...
Oh Schuks... I'm Gatvol
A Comedy involving the Tax-Man
Who Laughs Last
Laat Vrugte
Fanus is a nerdy sound technician who is never noticed by anyone, and especially not by the boss’s pretty but temperamental daughter, Linda. ...
Blink Stefaans
A bleak and violent story of delinquency and broken family ties. Christiaan MacDonald escapes from the reformatory where he has been serving a...
What You Sow
Namibia: The Struggle for Liberation is a 2007 epic film on the Namibian independence struggle against South African occupation as seen through the...
Namibia: The Struggle for Liberation
Apartheid is rampant in South Africa, 1963. When ten men are arrested on a farm in Rivonia for conspiring to commit sabotage and violent acts against...
An Act of Defiance
This local ensemble comedy is set in 2003, as a group of working-class South Africans try to come to terms with their changed society. Seen through...
A Paw-Paw For My Darling
The Co-operative's people in their well-known and beloved environment, but be warned, there is a tear behind all the laughter.
Liewe Hemel Genis
A motorcycle racer falls in love with a blind girl.
The Fifth Season