This story begins with Yana (Nia Harun), who has been forbidden to go camping by her father, Hendra (Eeng Saptahadi). However, Hendra gives in when...
Takkan Lari Jodoh Dikejar
Anglingdarma (Baron Hermanto), the ruler of his homeland, acquires the magical ability to understand the language of animals, but is forbidden to...
Prabu Anglingdarma (Balada Cinta Anglingdarma)
When two childhood friends decide to tie the knot, their wedding plans are thrown off track by their well-meaning but controlling mothers.
Blessed You
From Cinehound user Kothar: "Two Girls, Mayang and Sekarsari, are trained by an old master. One day her teacher told them that they were adopted by...
Lowo Ijo
Swordfights, disturbing midgets, kung fu, black magic, killer centipedes, zombies, special effects rivalling the Turkish Evil Dead.
Thousand Centipedes
Anton and his wife Rita rent a beautiful house that belongs to Dudung Sasmita, whose face was scarred in an accident at the pharmaceutical laboratory...
Bloody Love
After being fired from his job for embezzling, Supandi moves to a remote village with his wife Lia and begins working as a well digger. On one of his...
A Pair of Deadly Eyes
Dino (Yan Bastian), an adopted child of a former criminal, suffers when his adoptive father is murdered by Bandot (Robin Karim). Dino then works as a...
Revenge of the Abandoned Child
Dono, Kasino, and Indro (played by the Warkop Trio) are hired as puppet ballet dancers. Their jokes and fighting stunts, delight the audience. But...
Saya Suka Kamu Punya