A story of Bangladesh’s liberation war of 1971. Where two doppelgängers encounter each other in the war camp. The film revolves around...
Clouds After Cloud
A tragic story of a mother who dedicates her only child for the sake of the freedom of the country during liberation war in 1971.
Hangor Nodi Grenade
Afzal Chowdhury (Abul Hayat) has two stepbrothers: Ashraf Chowdhury (Wasimul Bari Rajib) and Akram Chowdhury (Nasir Khan). They killed Afzal for the...
Ononto Bhalobasa
Jamai Shashur
Raaj and Reshmi fall in love, despite having a belligerent past between their families.
Keyamat Theke Keyamat
Dangal is a Bangladeshi Bengali-language film. The film released was 1991 in Bangladesh. director-writer Kazi Hayat. Stars Manna, Suchorita, Wasimul...
The smuggler Raja Sikder, the chicken thief Kadam Chora and the Prince - all have the same profession, Cheating people. Through these three, the...