A young married couple does not share the bed. However, they try to hide all the obstacles and their problems in public, presenting their marriage to...
Ship Floats to Shanghai
TV drama that follows the story of unusual destiny of Sava Šumanović, people and events which affected creation of artistic expression...
Sumanovic - A Comedy of an Artist
The story of a man called "Moth", who becomes an entertainment star. Burdened with great popularity and entertainment events, he can not find his way...
The Moth
A student of veterinary and his girlfriend meet Sanja in the park, the wife of his friend. The student starts some sort of romance affair with Sanja,...
Strange Night
The adventures of a young commie activist, whose love for the party is not even close to the one he has for women. Every action he undertakes is...
Sex - Party's Enemy No. 1
Angel and the devil fight for the soul of a Belgrade playboy who made a young girl pregnant.
We Are Not Angels
War story of the 27th Panzers, Hitler's heavy-duty combat regiment composed of prisoners.
The Misfit Brigade
A divorcee and her three teenage daughters go on their summer holidays at sea. There they encounter some romantic (mis)adventures.
It Isn't Easy to Get Along with Men
A young man finds a way to spend his last few days of freedom before joining the army. Set in eastern Bosnia in summer of 1968.
Six Days in June
State security inspector Ivan reveals an inserted terrorists in Yugoslavia, sent there by Croatian emigrants, enemies of the above socialist state....
Bishop vs. Rook