The film revolves around Sagnik, Anindya and Kaushi, who live together and dream big. Anindya wants to become a hero, Kaushik is a boxer and is...
Sare Chuattor Ghosh Para
Sirisha, wife of Sanjay Rao was found with her throat slit. C.I. Satyanarayana is tasked to find the culprit. As murder is accompanied by the...
It is a story of a young boy Prem whose family has been destroyed by a greedy man. Prem's father had a fledging business which was taken over by...
The societal study pressure throws a six year old fat girl into suicide at Balarampur during COVID-19 Pandemic. Is her incompetent father guilty?
'Hera Pheri' is the story of a con man Ronnie and a con woman Bonny who cheat people for money. But it's gradually revealed that Bonny wants money to...
Hera Pheri
Satyanarayana, an insurance agent falls in love with Parnika, a dance student. In the following events, he unintentionally rescues her from an...