Kuttan, an annoyingly disciplined and a bigoted upper-caste retired police officer, is living with his son Kichu. After Bharati, Kuttan’s...
Harsha Vardhan is out to avenge his wife's murder. But it will be a tough job when Alexander, the police officer of the city, is very cautious of...
The movie plot revolves around a village lad who attends an interview in the city and gets drawn into a web of deceit and revenge.
John Paul Vaathil Thurakkunnu
Pakida tells the story of Aadi who meets a mysterious and concealing traveler George Koshy Anthrapper and travels with him from Kochi to Madurai. On...
Shankaranunni (Baburaj) is an eccentric cop in the Kerala Police Dept. with a lackadaisical characteristic and is married to Lekshmy (Sunitha Varma),...
Police Maman