Six marriages, two annulments, two beheadings and the founding of his own Church, against the authority of Rome... in his search for a suitable...
A couple of immigrants arrive in France by boat. Full of hopes in the future, they will have to face the violence of sophisms and social chimera of...
Rising! (The Occident)
The famous story of Hamlet and Ophelia is played out between the opposite poles of real and feigned madness, love and avenge. After the murder of his...
Thomas: Hamlet
Debussy's masterpiece, for the first time conducted by the Paris Opera's music director Philippe Jordan, in the fairy staging by Robert Wilson. When...
Debussy: Pelléas et Mélisande
Drama lyrique in five acts, after the play by Maruice Maeterlink
Claude Debussy - Pelléas et Mélisande
The prologue sets the stage for the action: Thespis, Momus and Thalie announce the subject of the play. It is a comedy mocking the folly of man...and...
French version of Cherubini's opera staged in Brussels by Krzysztof Warlikowski
Médée, Opéra-comique de trois actes de Luigi Cherubini, 1797