Cheese-loving eccentric Wallace and his cunning canine pal, Gromit, investigate a mystery in Nick Park's animated adventure, in which the lovable...
Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit
Cassim Kaif is a young Muslim man who works in his father's fabric shop in Fordsburg, Johannesburg. In the family tradition, Cassim, as the only son,...
A person of color pretends to be white in order to make the Springbok team
Documentary film on apartheid
We Are the Elephant
India is surging with global ambition. But beyond the luxury hotels surrounding Mumbai airport lies a makeshift slum, full of people with plans of...
National Theatre Live: Behind the Beautiful Forevers
Colin has rented a stately country home for his extended family’s New Year celebrations. He’s the centre of attention until his estranged...
Happy New Year, Colin Burstead
A new republican prime minister strips the British monarch and her family of their money and assets, and forces them to live on a rundown council...
The Queen and I
England, 1021. Rob Cole, a boy born in a miserable mining town, swears to become a physician and vanquish disease and death. His harsh path of many...
The Physician
1659 Mughal, India. Two brothers, Dara and Aurangzeb, are both heirs to the Muslim empire. Dara, the crown prince, has the love of the people –...
National Theatre Live: Dara
In 1942, an intelligence officer in North Africa encounters a female French Resistance fighter on a deadly mission behind enemy lines. When they...
Cassim Caif is a young Muslim man living in Fordsburg, Johannesburg. Heʼs balancing the demands of a new marriage, a young child, and living in...
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