Follows the exploits of husband/wife moguls trapped with a deadbeat couch potato brother in a hallucinogenic 1-900 world of 1991. Everyone is...
Fatal Pulse
A fish out of water tale, this film was shot in twelve different cities around the world. It is made up of twelve comedic shorts connected by the...
Strangers in a Strange Land
A man, long haunted by the paranormal, captures on camera the horror and hilarity he and his beautiful girlfriend encounter after moving into a new...
Paranormal Movie
Two actresses, studying The Sanford Meisner Acting Technique, get paired to work together despite their dislike of each other. They are assigned by...
Getting Meisnered
Insomnia-ridden Marla is on the run after the murder of her mother. Now, Marla must confront her everlasting void to find out the truth of what...
Fuzzy Head