Superwoman is a tale about a sexy young heroine who flies through the air on a mission to save mankind from the frustration of sexual boredom. She...
After Rocky gets out of prison, he makes up for lost time by terrorizing some prostitutes. But the women are not going to take it and make it their...
Femmes de Sade
Robert is a lonely young man who takes pleasure in making obscene phone calls to strangers. His obsession, however, is the beautiful woman who lives...
Night Caller
Johnny Wadd has rescued Doreen during his Mexico adventure and returned to San Francisco, where he is hired by a special drug investigation unit to...
Liquid Lips
Pleasure Masters is two unconnected stories, the first is about a guy with a Japanese housemaid and his girlfriend (who sucks lollipops and has...
The Pleasure Masters: Kikko & Lil