Kuttappayi, a young boy, is miserable and desperate as he starts writing a letter to his grandfather from a place, dim and dark. Kuttappayi's...
Karunam movie revolves around Chackochan and Chechamma who are an elderly couple living on a plantation in southern India awaiting a visit from their...
A First World War veteran reaches a backwater village in Kuttanand, India as a Postman. He delivers money orders and letters to the family of...
An uneducated and noisy simpleton, Mike Philippose, arrives in a city as an organ donor for an old astrophysicist. Soon, he changes the lives of...
Fed up of the corruption all around, four young men form a secret group called '4 the people' and decide to take on the corrupt on their own. They...
4 The People
This movie is a crime thriller. Suresh Gopi is a Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) officer who comes in disguise to a colony to investigate a bomb...
Sneham is a 1998 Indian Malayalam film directed by Jayaraj starring Jayaram, Jomol, Kasthuri, and Biju Menon. The film features a musical score by...