The film is based on V. Yurezanskyi’s novel The Missing Village about the struggle of Ukrainian Cossacks for their freedom during the reign of...
Caprice of Catherine ІІ
Makar has spent years overseeing work at a collective farm. After he is asked to retire, it is time for Makar's son to take the reins. Yet the farm...
Our Honest Bread
They Were Nineteen Years Old
Vasyl, a member of the Komsomol, with the help of a local party organization, gets a tractor and plows private boundaries "on kulak fields". However,...
How did Ivan Ivanovich quarrel with Ivan Nikiforovich? Ivan Ivanovich went to his bosom friend Ivan Nikiforovich, wishing to beg for the gun he...
How Ivan Ivanovich fell out with Ivan Nikiforovich
Maybe Tomorrow