Klava, a lonely woman who is bored with her life, posts an advertisement seeking a male companion. Valentin, a retired circus performer, responds to...
Lonely Woman Seeks Life Companion
Television production of the play "Dictatorship" by Ukrainian playwright Ivan Mykytenko, who was repressive in the 1930s. The theme of the film was...
Praised for its fine photography and production design if not its narrative, Sergei Bondarchuk directed this adaptation of the tale by Alexander...
Boris Godunov
1986, Chernobyl disaster. Couples, friends, and a risk-taking journalist are woven into the larger framework of the disaster. Panic follows.
Film tells the story of one of the most difficult and tragic moments of the liberation war of Ukrainian people against the rule of Poland (1648 -...
Bohdan Zynoviy Khmelnytsky
Life in a Ukrainian village after the Soviet revolution. A poetic ballad, which through the lens of a child's observations, dreams and hopes rely on...
The Geese-Swans Fly