During the summer on their Grandfather’s land Johanna, Robert, Harald and Alex begin a secret journey up the river on a boat with a chicken in...
Hen in a Boat
This film is set in a medieval mill town in the Harz mountains. The greedy and brutal millman and his accomplices, the castle steward and the mayor,...
Der Teufel vom Mühlenberg
"Spring Symphony" is the story of Robert Schumann and Clara Wieck. Both were music entities. Robert Schumann turns out to have been a second tier...
Spring Symphony
The Prinz-Eugen-Gymnasium is in a crisis, which is not least due to the insolent students who lack any respect for the staff and the chaotic...
Plem, Plem – Die Schule brennt
Krieg und Frieden – Deutsch-sowjetische Skizzen