Liz Newey, a recovering alcoholic, is in the midst of her early morning recitation of the Twelve Steps, when she's interrupted by a phone call. Her...
In this version of Oscar Wilde's tale, Dorian Gray is an actress who, desperate to become a worldwide star, makes a deal that switches her soul to...
The Sins of Dorian Gray
In 1976, four hijackers take over an Air France airplane en route from Tel Aviv to Paris and force it to land in Entebbe, Uganda. With 248 passengers...
7 Days in Entebbe
The queen of an unnamed European country is being pressured by her Prime Minister to abdicate the throne in favour of one of her sons. But she...
Something's Rotten
During her birthday celebration, Tess and Logan find themselves swept up in a world that isn't always what it seems when the headlining magician at...
Crossword Mysteries: Abracadaver
Since childhood, Candy Cane Lane has been Phoebe's favorite Christmas tradition. This Christmas, however, the neighborhood decides to skip the...
Candy Cane Christmas
On a hot summer night, a recent widow has a surprising encounter with a young woman, and they wind up sharing intimate stories, each affecting the...