The amusing adventures of an unsophisticated small-town lad who arrives in New York, moves in with his swinging buddy, and surprisingly becomes an...
How to Pick Up Girls!
A judge gives con-man Tom Turner a choice—a jail sentence, or a year of honest work. But when he gets a job in the U.S. Post Office's dead...
Dear God
Fact-based story about a woman whose life is shattered by a poetry-spouting stalker who manages to evade her police protectors.
Little Girl Fly Away
Filmmaker Rick Sloane cultivated his taste for pulp satire by producing fake trailers for non-existent Grindhouse style films such as Chainsaw...
The Rick Sloane Fake Trailers
Julie, a girl from the valley, meets Randy, a punk from the city. They are from different worlds and find love. Somehow they need to stay together in...
Valley Girl