A depressed white-collar worker tries hypnotherapy, only to find himself in a perpetual state of devil-may-care bliss that prompts him to start...
Office Space
Crime - Set in Florida at the close of 1941, this film noir follows small-town police chief John Haleran's (Zen Gesner) investigation of the murder...
Small Town Conspiracy
Taut thriller about a photographer who races the clock to clear a man about to be executed.
Somebody Has to Shoot the Picture
When a Midwest town learns that a corrupt railroad baron has captured the deeds to their homesteads without their knowledge, a group of young...
American Outlaws
In this creepy anthology thriller a mind reader detects the thoughts of someone who wants to kill her, a young man is given miraculous healing powers...
Dark Dreams
Nice Suicide - your light at the end of the tunnel, short film by Mama's Secrets Film Production Munich/Don't Tell Mama e. V. (non profit...
Nice Suicide
Satire about a young man from the countryside, who is talked into becoming a Jesus protagonist for a whisky brand, turns into a media star and is...
Holy Spirit