Sister Italy is a heartfelt, hilarious, culinary escapade that follows the fortunes of two Italian-American sisters, Italia and Maria, who are rival...
Sister Italy
Vito has a fatal heart attack as he is exiting the front gate of his stately home. Upon death his mom confronts him, making it clear, via a lengthy...
Vito Bonafacci
Life turns upside down when a high school senior with no friends and plenty of teenage angst takes a spin with the popular girl in her red corvette.
The Red Corvette
In the early 70s, Cathy Rush becomes the head basketball coach at a tiny, all-girls Catholic college. Though her team has no gym and no uniforms --...
The Mighty Macs
The real story behind sex trafficking. New York Detective Jack Spencer takes on a human trafficking ring that is tied to the United Nations as he...
Torn from Innocence