Electric Love follows a group of 20-somethings as they navigate the dating landscape of modern day L.A. These interconnected stories feature young...
Electric Love
The story of Jamie Eugley, a young lobsterman struggling with the grinding responsibilities of a head-injured fiancée and a mounting trap war...
The Ghost Trap
Enthusiastic emcee Taylor James (Tim Peper) leaves behind his home state of New Jersey when party planner Vanessa Dupree (Judy Reyes) hires him to...
Glow Ropes: The Rise and Fall of a Bar Mitzvah Emcee
A biopic of 20-year-old Francis Ouimet who defeated his golfing idol and 1900 US Open Champion, Harry Vardon.
The Greatest Game Ever Played
The Firefly Catcher examines the cycle of life through the relationship between a young woman, Madelyn and her aging father, Georgie. Georgie is...
The Firefly Catcher