Michael, a young trans man, returns home after years of estrangement from his parents. Set against the backdrop of the American West, this short film...
In France Michelle Is a Man's Name
A rookie detective, Cylus, partners with Ray, Cylus' father in law, to learn the ropes of being a cop. They get along and quickly build a trusted...
Muted Canary
Set in 1860's Colorado, two Hispanic fugitives remain elusive after murdering dozens of Anglo-Americans -- a lifestyle rooted in the aftermath of a...
The Crusade of Felipe Espinosa
After moving to a small mountain community, a troubled writer entangles himself in a new neighbor's abusive family situation.
Beau Ideal
A man named Max Willer finds himself walking through a desert wearing a tuxedo and carrying a manual typewriter. He has no idea how he got there, but...
Bonneville, Arizona
When paranormal social media influencer, Chris Dixon, winds up dead near the base of Mt. Saint Helens, Jason Esterly, a USFS ranger, must pull...
Feet of Death