Set against a gloriously filmed backdrop of the distinctly jaded charm of mid-90s Saigon, the lives of two men intertwine as they are both bound by...
Song Lang
Set in the poor Mekong Delta coastal village of Thơm Rơm, the film follows the lives of three women, whose love lives are unusual and...
Glorious Ashes
In a near future Vietnam where global warming and rising seawater levels have forced cultivation to be done on floating farms, a strong-willed woman...
The film recounts the life of Ly Cong Uan from his youth as a Buddhist disciple to his ascension to Emperor of Vietnam in 1010 AD. The Prince and the...
The Prince and the Pagoda Boy
In an old house in Hanoi, Bi, a 6-year-old child lives with his parents, his aunt and their cook. His favorite playgrounds are an ice factory and the...
Bi, Don't Be Afraid
Set along the southern coast of Vietnam during the French occupation in the 1940s, water is everywhere, giving life and bringing decay and rot. Kim...
Buffalo Boy
Phi - a free fighter - decides to hunt down the evil after the unexpected death of his wife. In Mu Suong village, he not only faces Ba Rau - his...
The Foggy Mountain