A satirical and fictional look at a 1950’s all black variety show and its controversial gay host Cherry Cola Pitts. Set in 1956, the show is...
The Colored Folks Goodtime Hour
When a young woman meets her boyfriend’s parents for the first time, she finds a grim fate waiting for her at their cabin in Cleveland.
College freshman, Daniella, and her boyfriend, Franklin, set off to separate colleges in Atlanta. When Daniella finds out that her boyfriend is...
3 Way: College Edition
Dangerous secrets are revealed when three happily married couples go to a cabin in the woods for one weekend.
Weekend Getaway
There's a serial killer on the loose targeting cam girls. Blake and her friends are next on his list.
Her Only Fan
Mr. & Mrs. Nelson are excited to be getting two new foreign exchange students to live with them. All of a sudden a chain of murders start to happen...
The Foreign Exchange Student 2: The Hunt