When 15-year-old Magnea meets Stella, everything changes. Stella's no-holds-barred lifestyle drags them both into a world of drugs, which brings...
Let Me Fall
A despondent writer stumbles upon a mysterious note in a book that she finds in a public park. She starts writing messages back, and begins...
Bookswapping (Late summer in Reykjavík)
A college student begins working as a cam girl, with support from her best friend.
An action driven love story about a young couple who become drug dealers in Reykjavik, but want nothing more than to get away and start a new life....
From Iceland to EDEN
A story that follows Salóme, a young woman in Reykjavík, who lives with her best friend and on/off-boyfriend, Hrafn. Everything changes...
Snow and Salóme
A fragile soul's inner turmoil unfolds as he battles personal demons in pursuit of a seemingly mundane goal.