White Rhapsody is a 1945 short film directed by Jack Eaton, with Ted Husing narrating. The film explores the popular sport of skiing. It was...
White Rhapsody
Dive-Hi Champs is a 1946 short documentary film, a Grantland Rice Sportlight segment from Paramount Studios and Jack Eaton featuring a cavalcade of...
Dive-Hi Champs
Ed Sullivan shows night spots all over New York in this movie, joking and listening to stories the patrons tell.
Mr. Broadway
An entry in Paramount's "Star Reporter" series starring Ted Husing. As usual, Ted is seated at a desk introducing various acts and peoplle, and the...
The Star Reporter
Animated theatrical liquor advertisement for Pleasant Moments Whiskey featuring all the animals in the countryside going to a picnic.
PM Picnic
Mike Brannon is a former war hero turned midget car racer. His ruthless racing tactics have made him successful but the fans consider him a villain...
To Please a Lady
This short follows a day of work for an Everglades wildlife trapper catching animals for zoos around America. In this film, his assignment is to go...
Catching Trouble
Part of Paramount Headliner: Hollywood Star Reporter series
The Star Reporter in Hollywood
Grantland Rice Sportlight (1941-1942 Season) #6: Better Bowling
Better Bowling
A short with music and boxing.
Excuse My Gloves
The life of boxer Jake LaMotta, whose violence and temper that led him to the top in the ring destroyed his life outside of it.
Raging Bull
This short documentary narrated by sportscaster Ted Husing explores the free-time activities of some of Hollywood's most popular celebrities. Big...
Hollywood Hobbies
Ridin' the Rails is a 1951 short documentary film directed by Jack Eaton. This is a Grantland Rice Sportscope from Paramount about hobbyists building...
Ridin' the Rails
A documentary covering the 1948 Olympic Games in St. Moritz, Switzerland, and London, England.
XIVth Olympiad: The Glory of Sport
In this short, the world's leading authority on backgammon explains the game to moviegoers, and two professional bowlers show off their trick-shot...
Sport Slants #5
This short entry in Ted Husing's "Sport Slants" series covers fencing, track and field, and rowing. Vitaphone Release 1264.
Sport Slants #3
Pioneer radio sportscaster Ted Husing introduces us to champions in various sports, including Willard Rogers (ping pong); Katherine Rawls and Eleanor...
Sport Slants #2
Well, maybe not mermaids, but WW2 pin up girls and the bathing girls of yesterday. A salute to the women of the armed services. Women from the Los...
Mermaids on Parade