Vykuntapali tells the story of three friends. These three shared three views, three destinations, but they united to become three good friends. What...
Shikha Samuel (Rima Killingal) and Jayakrishnan (Vijay Babu) have eloped and made Uganda their home with the help of Advocate Firoz (Mukesh), who is...
Escape from Uganda
Arun (Tanish) and Bulan (Remya Nambeesan) are childhood friends, who are staying with their parents in Malaysia. Arun is in love with a model Megha...
The film revolves around a young married couple and their relationship in various levels. It illustrates the dry humour on how pretentious human...
Annum Innum Ennum
Four men form a gang with a plan of making a quick buck by kidnapping a rich girl for ransom. Not being prepared for unforeseen situation, they are...
Darwaaza Bandh Rakho
Chakravarthy and Kalyan are brothers. Chakravarthy is a noble and hardworking business magnate. Kalyan is an irresponsible brat who doesn’t...
Raju Maharaju