Directed by Edvin Laine and Viktor Tregubovich, Trust (1976) is a Finnish-Soviet historical drama film that follows the relations between Finland and...
A story about young factory worker Tuija, who has recently met an interesting young man. When the death of a friend interrupts a monotonous and...
A wildly satirical deconstruction of TV advertising.
Frozen Foods
Tuula's husband Jukka takes care of all domestic chores. Tuula seems to have no idea that her husband spends his evenings working as a major league...
Speedy Gonzales – noin 7 veljeksen poika
On a quiet street in Helsinki, Sachie has opened a diner featuring rice balls. For a month she has no customers. Then, in short order, she has her...
Kamome Diner
In the year 2012 historian Raimo Lappalainen wants to illustrate how life was 50 years earlier. He becomes obsessed with the fate of a 1970s nude...
Time of Roses
Two brothers, two different lifestyles collide. Eero is a young married man who opens up a print shop and struggles to get it going. Eki is a student...
The Brothers
Jalmar Riivatsalo works in an ad agency and tries to find success both in love and business.
Kahdeksas veljes
Reiska who has moved to Helsinki from the country starts working as an errand boy in Sweden and Denmark for Lehto, a leader of a criminal league....