The story of Heidi Fleiss, known as "The Hollywood Madam", who was the daughter of a prominent Los Angeles doctor and eventually became a prostitute...
Call Me: The Rise and Fall of Heidi Fleiss
Adam, a deviant teen, learns responsibility when the supervising 'Buddy Bot' his single mother leaves him with goes haywire.
Buddy Bot
A pensive 11-year-old girl challenges the status quo with a group of misfit friends while attending a religious summer camp.
The Bacchae
Ever since killing the Fisherman one year ago, Julie James is still haunted by images of him after her. When her best friend Karla wins free tickets...
I Still Know What You Did Last Summer
A young boy named Jeremiah is brought to a faith healing ceremony for his best friend Levi who is gravely ill. There, a priest named Gabriel performs...
The Body of Levi
Rocky and Bullwinkle have been living off the finances made from the reruns of their cartoon show. Boris and Natasha somehow manage to crossover into...
The Adventures of Rocky & Bullwinkle
Artists, Poets, Writers, Musicians, and Dissidents, Husbands and Wives, in the Marxist USSR GULAG camps of Barashevo and Vorkuta, suffer in and...
Gulag Barashevo
Betty, a faded beauty, is drowning in boredom entering those twilight years. Seeking to rediscover the love that once filled her with passion and...