Subrata Sharma, an ordinary crime reporter, loses his job and takes up temporary work as a secretary in a rundown detective agency called Danny...
Revolver Rohoshyo
Follows a group of old friends who reunite to revisit their golden days after being lost in their adult lives for the last 20 years.
Abar Bochhor Koori Pore
Senior detective Kanishka and his team investigate a series of chilling murders in Kolkata that resemble an old case haunting his past. With each new...
Chaalchitro - The Frame Fatale
Amid the celebratory atmosphere of Durga Puja, after an unexpected tragedy, Alokananda, strives to maintain the illusion of happiness. As Aloka...
Bijoyar Pore
Aglaé, a young factory worker, has only one focus in life: her job at a car crash test site. When she learns that the factory is going to be...
Crash Test Aglae