The story is centered around the transgender protagonist Tzu-chi who has left home for six years and her sister Tzu-chuan with whom she has fallen...
A Beautiful Bird Day
Moon dreams of an expedition to Antarctica with her true love. When Adley, in a penguin costume, lands in her sight, she knows immediately he is the...
Penguin Girl
High school student Li Chih-hui worships martial arts movie star “Long” and dreams of becoming a kung fu master so he can defend himself...
Long Spirit
To pay for his terminally ill wife’s expensive medical bills, former gang member Ah Nan decides to risk everything on a potentially lucrative...
All Journey Toward Death
An absurd comedy about the daily life of a three-generational Hakka household in Taipei. The main characters are Huichiao, her grandmother Chunmei,...
Granny Must Die
In the ‘90s in Taiwan, two students share one desk at a high school divided into day and night classes. It is a story of love, friendship,...
The Uniform