In the midst of an attempt to take over his company, a powerhouse executive is hit with a huge ransom demand when his chauffeur's son is kidnapped by...
High and Low
Set in the postwar turmoil, Akasaka no shimai paints a vivit portrait of the life of three sisters who struggle to live in Tokyo.
The Akasaka Sisters: Soft Touch of Night
Obscure Japanese movie by director Kyotaro Namiki
Riverside Fish Market Empire
Returning to their lord's castle, samurai warriors Washizu and Miki are waylaid by a spirit who predicts their futures. When the first part of the...
Throne of Blood
A stop-motion film, written, animated, & directed by Dan Blank.
Japanese film about motorcycle racing.
Speed King
On September 1, 1923, an unprecedented earthquake hit the Kanto region. The streets are filled with victims, and rumors are circulating around. The...
Beyond the Hills
1961 Japanese film about the Shinsengumi.
Fûun Shinsengumi
Adaptation of Edogawa Ranpo's novel.
The Spider-Man
In 1941, overpopulated Japan faces an economic boycott and its armed forces push further to the south. And despite negotiations between Japan and the...
The Pacific War and the International Military Tribunal
Two detectives begin a stakeout based on the slim chance of catching a murderer whom they suspect will try to reunite with an old flame.
The film recounts the tragedy of a young outlaw.
Ishimatsu from the Forest
An employee in an assurance company threatens to commit suicide when management announces a massive layoff, the company uses this threat to its own...
Blood Is Dry
An inventor of a secret process suddenly finds himself alone as both his friends and the corporation he works for turn against him.
The Spanish Prisoner