Three periods interconnect the life experiences and teachings of Anastacia Giron-Tupas while transposing her story into the lives of her contemporary...
Siglo ng Kalinga
Paolo, a social media influencer, and his follower, Elijah, with his friend Kokoy take on a powerful online predator, Daddy Blake, in a quest for...
Finding Daddy Blake
An oblivious young woman faces her greatest fear of expressing herself to other people when she accidentally ends up killing someone.
Day Of Danger
A loving but impoverished grandmother of an autistic child tragicomically loses everything and turns into someone society reckons her to be.
An unborn soul waits in front of a mysterious door that will reveal his fate on earth.
Only the famous family that doesn't weep can help reunite a desperate woman with her own.
The Family That Doesn't Weep
ASUANG, the God of Sins, was once a ruthless and fickle God of Bicol, but now he is a loner and a loser who has no place in the world that is overrun...
Amid drought and famine in Cupang, a young woman named Elsa claims to have seen the Virgin Mary and been blessed with the ability to heal the sick....
Isang Himala