The movie is based on an autobiographical book titled “Tokyo Furyou Shounen Densetsu.” The book was written by Endo Natsuki, who was once...
Furyō shōnen 3, 000-ri no sō-ban (atama)
With Monji’s graduation approaching quickly, he gets into trouble with his teacher, Mr. Anan about his attitude. While everyone else thinks...
Tokyo Twilight
Koichi Iwasaki (Oto Izaki), a moneylender, spends his days collecting money by ruthlessly chasing people. Yakuza has nothing to do with him!One day,...
When good-for-nothing employee Daichi is attending to a backlog of work, a frightening game of tag targeting people with blood type B begins.
The Chasing World 5
On her 16th birthday, Asagiri Kanna, a shy and bullied girl is abducted and taken to attend a new school. There she finds out she has been promised...
Battle of Demons
High school dropout Hayato gets locked up in juvenile prison, where his usual stuck up attitude puts him in trouble with the other delinquents. This...
A success story about creating an adult shop for women by women. The struggle of young heroines aiming to open a new store is powerfully projected...
Handmade Angel
In the year 2024, the Governer of Tokyo puts a group of young girls through torturous training, and the three that remain - dubbed the Zebra...
Revenge of the Zebra Miniskirt Police