A coming-of-age tale centered on Hannah, a young girl who is living a troubled family life. Set in 1963, Hannah develops a fascination with Jean-Luc...
Set Me Free
Suzie, a 58 year old depressed taxi driver on the night shift. On Halloween, she finds a 10 year old autistic boy in the back seat of her taxi with...
A group of youths open an organic restaurant.
Montréal blues
In this Canadian character study, a petty thief steals $5,000 from a marching band and heads to the US with his ditzy girl friend and another couple.
Ti-Cul Tougas, ou, Le bout de la vie
Her publisher forces Marianne to rewrite the manuscript of a novel she wrote and burned in a fit of anguish. Her obsession with her story where the...
Life Is Not a Novel
The Ordinary Grand Film is the result of love at first sight with The Ordinary Grand Circus. With film and equipment borrowed from left and right,...
The Great Ordinary Movie
Adult sisters meet for the first time, not having previously known of each other's existence.
Two Can Play
Montréal, 1959. In the classroom of Sister Cecilia, Leonie (aged 11) first met Father Malachy, a young Dominican father who has come to visit...
Pour l'amour de Dieu
Suspecting that the cecassion of the tides may indicate an impending earthquake, Seismologist Alice arrives in her hometown of Baie-Comeau, Quebec to...
Chaos and Desire
Large women with a zest for life gather weekly at a Montreal doctor's office to receive diet injections.
It's Your Turn, Laura