This drama depicts a boy's coming of age against the backdrop of Okinawa's food culture. Director Nakamura Ryugo was born in 1996. He made this film,...
The Catcher On The Shore
Fuki who lives with her grandfather Shoei in Taketomi Island, Okinawa, dreams of becoming a photographer. In her childhood, her mother Masami left...
Letters from Kanai Nirai
Nanako returns to her hometown on the tiny island of Aguni to meet her grandmother Nabbie. However, when Nanako's ferry arrives, it is also carrying...
Nabbie's Love
Yuriko (Yuki Shibamoto) is tired of her relationship with a married man. She leaves Tokyo and goes back to her hometown of Yugafu, which is located...
A Midsummer Night's Dream
A virginal boy travels with three hookers to a small island to collect his estranged father's washed up and sun-bleached bones.
The Pig's Retribution
X years after the “Shima pshoo” incident, aging Tarugani and Papajo are best friends who live in Patai Village, where those who failed to...
Queer Fish Lane